
S/S 10

With this past winter being my first in New York, and the ensuing spring to be my primer for my new “seasonal” life here in the city, I understand why people here experience the kind of emotional inconsistencies they do when the weather switches from one extreme to another. Two weeks ago, I was lying on a grassy lawn adjacent to the Hudson River, basking in sun that I thought would never appear after weeks of snow, rain, and mild gloominess. Then, last week, we had 5-inches of rainfall and suddenly everyone’s got their jeans tucked in their Hunter boots again. I stuck to wearing my Keds out of a bullheaded longing for good weather. But I trekked home from work, wet-socked, feeling gross, still determined to fight the “rain.” Of course, I lost.

It’s true that you can’t really appreciate the good stuff until you’ve experienced the not-so-good stuff. Spring has finally arrived and the sunlight is off the charts today–finding the smallest crevasses to seep through. And having lived in California all my life, where it is abundantly sunny and warm, I didn’t appreciate good weather. It’s 85 degrees out? Meh. And now, knowing that it “might” be 70-degrees out today makes my insides all fuzzy. And with that being said, I can finally start lusting for Bodkin’s Spring/Summer 2010 collection.